Der Dänische Gitarrist und Arzt Kresten Korsbaek ist nach längerer Pause endlich wieder zurück auf der Bühne. Mit im Gepäck hat er seine neue Dieter Hopf Gitarre „La Portentosa Grande Furioso“. Eine Gitarre, die all seine Wünsche und Ansprüche befriedigt:

I have been follwing Dieter Hopf´s efforts to develope a guitar that could match a Grand Piano in a concerthall for over 30 years. I started to play a „Grand Concierto“ in my early years. I bought my first Virtouso when Dieter got a reward for it on the Hannover show.
Later – in 1983 – I purchased the new and much better „La Portentosa Classic“ – and I have been playing on it until now. Now I have changed to „La Portentosa Grande Furioso“ and it betters any other model before.Of course it betters any other guitar I have ever played on before.
Kresten Korsbaek, Dezember 2010
With this instrument I now have the best possible equipment available towards power, sensitive expression, brightness and musical performance.